Friday, March 16, 2012

Garage Job

The garage...the place where most things get thrown here and there.  I have to say our garage gets that way more often then I want it.  So yesterday during nap time I started the task of cleaning, organizing the shelves in it.  I figured if I started with just that area maybe it wouldn't take too long and it would get done while the 3 boys were napping.
So shelf by shelf I went through boxes, crates, tubs, etc.  I took everything off and looked through it.  Stuff either went in the trash can, garage sale pile, recycle bin, paint recycle pile, tool box, sports equipment box, husband needs to go through pile, including his 5 pair of tennis shoes or neatly put back on the shelf.
I have to say I have lots of empty space on the shelves and under now!!  Task accomplished!!  Now to have the garage sale and take the paint to recycle.

Most of these boxes that are left are from my husband changing jobs back in Dec '11 and me staying home from teaching.  I am trying to talk myself in to going through my school files and recycling some of them.

All the shelves.  This weight bench is for sale and I am really hoping it leaves soon!!  

What's left for the garage sale.  One load is already at my friend's house.  It feels good to see stuff going out the door!!!

The paint is ready to go to the recycle center!!!

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